Sunday, July 02, 2006

Long live King Henry

My own highlights of World Cup 2006

It was a long day but I knew I had to wait in town till 10pm to watch the mother of all matches. I went to this place with a projector screen 45 minutes before kick off. The sign outside the bar said "Live BRAZIL vs FRANCE at 2200hrs".

But at 2200 hrs the club still did not put on the match. Ten minutes after, would you believe it, the whole town suffered a power outage. Two minutes later the club I was in got back on their generators, as did the other shops who have generators. The rest had to do business in the dark.

Even when the generator got put on there was still no soccer at 2220 hrs. I was getting very agitated but decided to ask the staff myself to put on the match.

They had technical issues with the LCD TV, which I think was why they did not put the soccer on earlier... but I stood there looking all hopeful. Soon, they got the LCD TV to work.

The waiting and the asking (including having to defend myself when the husband insisted on going home) was well rewarded when Henry - almost dreamlike - scored! Brazil could neither match nor beat the single yet precious score until it was all too late.

Not that I was a big France supporter but Thierry Henry (who plays club soccer for Arsenal and I am a fan of Arsenal) made me take France's side. And to see old faces of the French team like Vieira, Zidane and the bald goalie who collectively won the Cup for France in 1998 is like seeing familiar faces you haven't in seen a long time.

My dad and and an Italian descent Australian's dad, a friend, said that Australia should have won against Italy, that the latter got a goal in due to an unfair referee judgement. Last night's match goes to show that even though Ronaldo got a joker card kick for his team from acting (falling on himself but making it look like France caused it) they can't get a goal in. That is, one still needs skills to kick a goal or defend it if opportunity comes. Luck itself is not enough.

So, it's all left to the Europeans now. I wonder who would covet the Cup. Arsenal had not won against Barcelona at the UEFA Final, but Henry certainly evened the score with Ronaldinho (club soccer Barcelona), at a more important game that proves he is King.


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