Thursday, June 22, 2006


These numbers are sex, sex, sex. Ask a New Zealander. Better yet ask an Australian to pronounce the numbers as how a New Zealander would, it is one of their favourite pastimes. If there aren't any Australians or New Zealanders around, the rules are as complicated as this language algebra: change the 'i' and vocalise as 'e' and the 'e' vocalise as 'i'. Do not start me on Dr M's quip on how Australians say "go to the hospital today" and the language maths there.

666 to Christians represents Lucifer's Lotto. The date 06.06.06 caused hundreds of millions of faithfuls to join their hands together in prayer. It saw out of the blue, a waiter in a restaurant opposite a shop where I was mindlessly rearranging muffins, suddenly thrash dishes and tables and chairs and scream like a banshee. Hands up in the air alike a Hindu Goddess (only, the waiter has one pair) and eyes in terror as though he had seen his own death. A minute of panic in the heart that he may harm himself and others was quickly dispelled when two other waiters arrested the wailing waiter in order to pacify him.

My solicitors also went off on a tangent that day by recommending me to fire them for acting ignorantly in accepting a 'conflict of interest' case. In addition, the other half in a rare mad moment took the view that he is really better than me rather too far which nearly led to a fight but I chose to walk out and shop instead. I passed by an acquaintance's carpet gallery and found myself spending an hour learning about carpets. A gallery visited by Bette Midler, Pam Anderson and Kid Rock whose faces grace a part of the gallery thanks to Ahmet Ertegün (producer and founder of Atlantic Records) who has a neat pad along the Bodrum Marina. I was humbled among these stars but more engaged in talks about silk carpets and kilims.

Final event of that day witnessed a shop giving forty six lira to a customer, a box of cigarette and a lighter plus not take his fifty dollar bill for payment. A trick played by him in a manner of the mavericks of the cowboy days. It happened so fast that three people did not realise what happened till the deed had been done and it was too late.

Yours truly seldom gave thoughts to these holistic, or rather, satanist numbers. The key numbers that matter to a banker, myself included in the mass of these considered public enemies in Australia and New Zealand, are black ones on the bank statement. Not even numbers representing age matters. For many a time I was told I think and speak as if I were a fifty year old, though I do not look it. I duly replied that I did my thirties in my twenties and now I might as well do my fifties to save time. It is how one feels inside and not the actual age.

Yes I can take things far too seriously, a Robespierre-esque fault of mine. Yet I do not know how to be otherwise. In spite of this I was willing for a change to place some of the blame on Lucifer's Clans roaming out on earth particularly for the trouble fertilised grounds of that day. Down under somewhere, 'under-er' than Australia and much more southern than New Zealand, I suspect Luci's Clans took bets and the one to cause the most trouble would win plus get a good performance review by Luci. Perhaps rewarded by more days off the pit to holiday in the land of the living rather than wait a thousand years for the next 666.


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